At Blue Star Quarter Horse we take great pride in the working quarter horses we produce. With multiple bloodlines, personalities, and colors, we are sure you’ll find something that fits what you are looking for! This years crop of colts and fillies has an array of different breeding’s that will make fantastic ranch, speed event, rope, and cow horses. Give us a call at (208) 624-1711 to find your next prospect!

This list starts with the youngest foals – oldest foals:

Golden Pecos Peppy x RCK Sams Blueboy

Fox Creek Cat x Hey There Mr Tin Man

Wishen N Hopen x Guys Golden Coin

Sweet Bee Command X Pecos Badger

Sadie Peppy Doc x Guys Golden Coin

Fair Lady Fritz x Pecos Badger

Raise U a Dollar x Docs Dig Cash

Sixbar Leading Lady x Purty Hat 

Kings Musical Miss x Pecos Badger

Royal Queen Hickory x Pecos Badger

Triple Tillie x Husky’s Mystery